Illuminated by streetlights, the rain looks like glass. It has not stopped for 24 hours and the neighbors are calling out for Poochie, who they fear has been swept out to sea. He is a street dog, however, and will eventually show up. Instead of joining their search, I will sit by a space heater, watch the new Paul Giamatti movie and write about Baixa (bye-EESH-uh), the name given to downtown ― that flat rectangular area that extends from Rossio down to the river. Its reconstruction after the earthquake and tsunami was guided by Prime Minister Marques de Pombal, a cold, forward-looking technocrat (as much as that description can apply to an 18th century politician) who ordered that the dead be buried, the living be taken care of and the city be reconstructed. In the short time I have been here his impact on modern Lisbon becomes more clear. By comparison, the king he served, Jose I, looks like an empty suit. The 1755 earthquake also caused tsunamis in Morocco and western Ireland, b...